October 19, 18:00, Kyiv, Palace of Sports. Broadcast: «Sport 1» YouTube FHU

The team from Poltava region will be the last opponent of Vadym Shakhraichuk’s team in the first round of the championship. Currently, the «capitals» have seven points after four matches. And if the matches against Tryzub and Kharkiv Berserks were rather easy for the Kyiv team, they managed to get one point in matches with two representatives of the group of leaders.

At the same time, Dmytro Sumets’ team got 10 points in five matches, gaining four points after two games with Dnipro and one with Sokіl.

So, in terms of points lost, the teams are balanced, which further increases the tension before the face-to-face cmatches. It should be noted that in autumn the opponents already met each other in the the Cup of Ukraine on the Iceberg Arena. Then the Kremenchuk team won with a score of 4:1.

Before the match, the opрonents had different schedules. Kyiv team got a nine-day break. Instead, the team from Poltava region held the match with Dnipro four days ago on the ice of the Odesa Sports Palace.

The Capitals approach the match with a replenishment in the lineup. Latvian legionnaire Denis Berdniks was added to the roster of Kyiv team. Before that, the defender already played in the championship of Ukraine for Kramatorsk. However, he will be able to make his debut in our team’s jersey today.

As for the other pairs of the tour, we should note that the reported match will be a continuation of the program of the fifth tour. Yesterday Sokil defeated Dnipro with a score of 4:1 and kept its leadership position. So today we are expecting for another duel among TOP-4 representatives. In addition, on Friday, another match will be held on the ice of the Kyiv Sports Palace, in which Tryzub and Berserks will fight for the first win in the season.