Welcome to the Season 2023/24!

We understand that your journey with our professional men’s hockey team is more than just a season; it’s a significant part of your life. Our hope is that you’ll look back on these years with pride and personal growth. Our mission for the Kyiv Capitals is clear: to push each player to become their absolute best, not only on the ice but in every aspect of life. As coaches, our mission is to guide you toward success, both on and off the rink. This mission can only be achieved when everyone is on the same page.

Professional hockey demands a lot, mentally and physically. To maximize our success, we must maintain a positive and supportive environment for every player and coach. Playing for the Capitals is a privilege, and like any privilege, it can be earned or taken away. We must be open to coaching and understand that we’re here for the same reason: to achieve excellence.

In hockey, the team always comes first. Success on the ice depends on all players executing their roles to perfection. At the Kyiv Capitals, we prioritize the TEAM over the individual. Our motto is “WE over ME.” When players don’t give their all, miss practice, or neglect their responsibilities, they undermine the team’s unity and progress.

As coaches, we have high expectations, both for you and ourselves. We hold our athletes and coaching staff to the highest standard. We’re committed to constant improvement, and we expect the same from you.

Our success depends on all of us working TOGETHER.

For a Kyiv Capitals hockey player, we present four core challenges:

  1. Work: Are you willing to put in the work necessary to excel in professional hockey?
  2. Effort: How much effort will you give to be the best player you can be and contribute to the team’s success?
  3. Competition: Will you compete with passion and determination in every game and practice?
  4. Toughness: Will you persevere when faced with adversity, both individually and as a team?

We’re thrilled to have you on board and excited about the journey ahead. Together, we can achieve greatness. 

Welcome to the Kyiv Capitals, where we aim for excellence in every facet of the game.


Head coach Kyiv Capitals
Vadym Shakhraichuk