January 25th, 18:00, Kyiv, Palace of Sports. Broadcast: MEGOGO, YouTube FHU

Following their triumphant victory against Tryzub in the derby, Vadym Shakhraichuk’s team now looks forward to their fifth championship match against another capital representative, Sokil.

It is worth mentioning that in all previous encounters with the Capitals, Oleg Shafarenko’s team consistently managed to score two goals during regulation time. The latest face-off occurred on January 6th, where fortune favored to Sokil who emerged victorious with a score of 2:1.

Generally, the outcome of other matches between these teams was decided within 60 minutes, resulting in a narrow win for the Kyiv Capitals with a score of 3:2. The remaining matches concluded with a 2:2 score, and in the subsequent shootouts, Sokil emerged victorious on both occasions, thanks to Bohdan Diachenko’s exceptional performance.

When it comes to the top scorers in these games, none of the hockey players managed to surpass two goals. Among Oleg Shafarenko’s team, Ruslan Romashchenko and Roman Zherebko, who scored double in the last match, have the same number of goals. On the other hand, our team has three players who have also scored the same number of goals. These players are Vladyslav Kutsevych, Yaroslav Panchenko, and Deniss Berdniks.

The current tournament situation adds even more excitement to the upcoming derby. Sokil, currently in first place, holds a six-point lead over Kyiv Capitals, although the latter has played two fewer games. Therefore, this match is crucial in determining the outcome of the regular championship and deciding the top spot.

In other games of the tour, Tryzub will be hosting Dnipro, while Kremenchuk will face Berserks-Patriot.