Vadym Shakhraichuk’s team finished 65 minutes of the derby for the second time with a score 2:2, but the opponent was more accurate in shootout.

Sokil (Kyiv) – Kyiv Capitals (Kyiv) – 3:2, B (0:0, 1:0, 1:2, 0:0)

Pucks: 1:0 – Babynets (Mazur, Yevseichyk), 28:11; 1:1 – Kutsevych (Panchenko), 46:03; 2:1 – Yanishevskyi (Babynets, Cherdak, majority), 56:08; 2:2 – Luhovyi (Kutsevych, Moksunen, minority), 57:05, Cherdak (aftermatch shootout)

Sokil: Bohdan Dyachenko; Vsevolod Tolstushko – Oleksandr Filimonov, Serhii Babynets – Vadym Mazur – Volodymyr Cherdak; Volodymyr Aleksiuk – Artem Yevseichyk, Roman Blahyi (c) – Ruslan Romashchenko – Viktor Zakharov; Mykyta Polonytskyi – Oleksandr Horlushko, Ihor Sliusar – Oleksiy Yanishevskyi – Denys Borodai; Denys Haiduk, Roman Zherebko – Vasyl-Yurii Kachan – Yevhenii Govorushko
Head coach: Oleg Shafarenko

Kyiv Capitals: Boris Babik; Kostiantyn Riabenko – Deniss Berdniks, Vladyslav Kutsevych – Serhii Chernenko (c) – Yaroslav Panchenko; Pavlo Taran – Valentyn Sirchenko, Andriy Kryvonozhkin – Yevhen Sekirko – Mykyta Oliynyk; Tymur Lapko – Eetu Moksunen, Mykola Dvornyk – Danylo Tyshchenko – Vladyslav Luhovyi; Artem Arkhypenko – Denys Khonin, Oleksandr Koida – Oleksandr Valkun – Denys Plesovskykh
Head coach: Vadym Shakhraichuk

In the morning, we have announced the signing of American defenseman Colin Whitt. However, due to the lack of proper documents, squad of Capitals for the current meeting was without him.

Due to the result of 60 minutes of the previous game, both teams went to the ice with a winning attitude. During the first half of the starting period, the nominal guests created more opportunities, which repeatedly troubled Dyachenko and had a two-minute powerplay. However, the implementation did not go well.

During the next ten minutes, Sokil got good moments and one opportunity to play in the powerplay. However, just like the opponent, it was not possible to turn it into a dropped puck. Finally, the first period ended in an fare draw.

At the start of the second twenty minutes, Babik had to work fruitfully again at the last stage due to the penalty of Sirchenko. After that, the game leveled out again, but Oleg Shafarenko’s team managed to realize their first chance. Mazur brought Babynets face-to-face with Babik, and Serhii beat the Slovak keeper, opening the score in the game. Before the second break, both opponents had chances to change the score, but everything was limited to the minimal advantage of the nominal hosts.

In the 42nd minute, after Zakharov was sent off, the Capitals got a chance to play 5×4, and Tolstushko was on the penalty bench after 1.5 minutes. However, both during the double and during the regular majorities, Sokil was good at defensive play.

Nevertheless, rather quickly Capitals scored during game with equal lineups. Kutsevych took advantage of the collision between Fillimonov and Diachenko, hitting the opponents’ empty goal. In the 49th minute, Yevseichyk pushed Panchenko hard on the side of the court and the nominal guests had the opportunity to play in powerplay for five minutes. However, this time too it was not possible to convert the number of pucks thrown.

Sokil also got excellent chances very quickly. Koida, and then Berdniks went to serve two-minute penalties, and the nominal hosts played 5×3 for 54 seconds. However, if it was not possible to realize the double majority, then during the regular one Sokil managed to take the lead for the second time. After Babynets shot, the puck hit Yanishevskyi’s helmet and ended up in Babik’s possession.

After Sirchenko was penalized, Oleg Shafarenko’s team gained another two minutes of numerical advantage, but the Capitals scored. Kutsevych added an assist to the statistics, shooting from the wing to the far post in a wonderful style, where Luhovyi crossed the puck into Dyachenko’s goal. As a result, in 60 minutes of playing time, the match between these teams ended in a draw with a score of 2:2.

Overtime again passed without pucks being scored, so a series of shootouts awaited the opponents again. Volodymyr Cherdak was the only one who scored. Thus, Sokil got two points in derby again and collected their 21st point, winning for the third time in the shootout during championship. Instead, Vadym Shakhraichuk’s team got 17 points.

On November 4, our team will go to Kremenchuk, where it will play next match on Iceberg arena.